
Investments that create value

Right person, right idea, right deal

In our investment process, we place high demands on entrepreneurs, management and employees sharing our values, on quality focus in relation to customers and society and on a clear business plan and strategy. With the PIA model – the right person, the right idea and the right deal – we create long-term success.

The PIA model

We value long-term business relationships, having fun together and connecting on a personal level. A respectful, open and straightforward culture is essential for successful collaborations. We work with people who are prestigeless and eager to learn from others.

The people we work with have a great passion for their idea and find the work they do exciting and rewarding. They dare to make decisions and stand by them, but also to admit and take responsibility if they have made the wrong decision.

Compliance with regulations, both formal and informal, is fundamental to us and we value a high level of business ethics and professionalism. The people we work with have a long-term focus and are well aware that their actions create ripples on the water. For us, it is important to be remembered as a good partner.





At RCL, we dare to invest – even when others don’t. We care about creating a high-quality, competitive offer for the customer and society because we know that it is the only way to achieve long-term success, especially when the market is continuously changing.

A good idea has the power to change an industry for the better, but to bring about lasting change it must be sustainable. For us, it is a prerequisite for long-term value creation. Through sustainable ideas, we can improve our offer to both the customer and society, which in the long run creates good profitability.

We have a clear ownership agenda and value active ownership and knowledge exchange, where we can contribute to a persistent and sustainable development of the idea.

The deal being beneficial to many lays the foundation for a successful and long-term business relationship.

We see ourselves as a long-term and stable owner with a focus on scalability in the form of additional acquisitions, organic development and reinvestments in education, employees and innovation. At RCL, we plan for success, not exits.

We know that we are stronger together and are therefore happy to introduce companies to our competent network. Over the years, we have enabled several successful collaborations within the network and we always make sure that the deal is favorable for all parties.

A clear business model and strategy are fundamental to creating shared long-term values. As an active owner with a long-term commitment, it must be clear to us how to create value and it is important that the strategy is both long-term and sustainable.



Vi är RCL

Vi planerar för framgång, inte försäljning och vi bidrar med kapital, kunskap och nätverk till bolag som skapar värde långsiktigt med hjälp av skalbara affärsmodeller.

År av erfarenhet
Investeringar i dagsläget
0 +
År i genomsnitt som investeringspartner

Sefina Pantbank

Sefina is the largest pawnshop in the Nordic region and has been in existence since 1884. Today, Sefina consists of nearly 95 employees and 20 stores throughout Sweden, with its headquarters in Stockholm.

Welcome to RCL

Get to know us at RCL.